Advertising options

*The cost of advertising space is available upon request.

Рекламные возможности


Size of the 1st banner 1.2 m x 1.5 m

Located in the central part of the cinema market at the level of the second floor on the perimeter of the central space of the cinema market.

*It is possible to combine several banners into one to increase the advertising space.

Рекламные возможности

Floor banner

The size of the 1st banner is 2.0 m x 2.4 m.

Can be located on the 1st floor of the cinema market at the entrance to the cinema hall, on the 2nd floor of the cinema market at the entrance to the industrial zone.

Рекламные возможности

Promo flag

Size of the 1st flag 1.5 m x 4.0 m

Located along the perimeter of the central part of the film market and visible from any point of the market.

Рекламные возможности

Accreditation reception branding

Size 4.0 m x 1.1 m

Рекламные возможности

Badge branding

Size 105 mm x 148 mm

The back side of the badge is being used for promotional purposes.

Additional advertising options

  1. Ad banner on the Eurasian Film Market website.
  2. Inclusion of handouts in the welcome package.
  3. Placement of non-standard advertising structures on the site.
  4. Cross-promotion.